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Chiara Capellini: Dialogo in Silenzio

Name: Chiara Capellini: Dialogo in Silenzio Client: Zuecca Projects Venice Category: Art & Culture Date: Maggio 4, 2023 Website: Zuecca Projects

Short documentary realized during Chiara Capellini‘s exhibition “Dialogo in Silenzio” in the Church of San Bernardino alle Monache in Milan.

The disposition of the paintings – which show their backs to the entrance – combined with the observer’s need to turn his back to the altar in order to look at the painted surfaces, produces a confrontation between spirituality and artistic creativity, which is to be resolved through silence. The choice to paint works that don’t represent anything and don’t seek the figurative, but focus on actions such as putting on and taking off color, assimilates the act of painting and its result to a sort of meditation.